Sunday, 29 September 2013

A Technology Inspired Adjective Lesson

This lesson sort of transpired organically. I had been introduced to wordle over the summer, and was interested in using it in the classroom.

Wordle is an easy to use website that takes text and transforms the words into a colourful word cloud. 

First we talked about what an adjective was. Kudos to the grade 2 team as hands around the computer lab shot up to inform me that adjectives were colours and words like big, small, fat etc.,

So we defined adjectives as descriptive words that describe nouns. We brainstormed all of the different ways we could describe a noun. Then we talked about Terry Fox, as we were raising money for the upcoming walk and were learning a lot about Terry's accomplishments. We came up with all the adjectives we could think of to describe Terry (brave, strong, courageous, caring, thoughtful). We learned that if we wanted a word to be bigger in the cloud, we needed to write it more often. 

I told students I wanted them to envision themselves and come up with all of the adjectives they could think of to describe themselves. They wrote their names often so it would show up bigger. 

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